... The right word ! And I thought like the right line
Both of them, I first felt them as an issue,
as I was lost in the words of the world,
in the sensible movements of life ...
... The right word ! And I thought like the right line
Both of them, I first felt them as an issue,
as I was lost in the words of the world,
in the sensible movements of life ...
... The right word ! And I thought like the right line
Both of them, I first felt them as an issue,
as I was lost in the words of the world,
in the sensible movements of life ...
... The right word ! And I thought like the right line
Both of them, I first felt them as an issue,
as I was lost in the words of the world,
in the sensible movements of life ...

BOOK : Sous le soleil

© Alain Charra - 2000.

BOOK : Déposition - 1988

Production εν αρχη.

BOOK : Aujour'nuit - 1986

Editions Saint-Germain-Des-Prés
Collection : Chemins profonds.

MAGAZINE - Polyphonies - Printemps 1987

 Poems & Illustrations

La mémoire
Two poems & five illustrations.

MAGAZINE - Polyphonies - automne 1986

 Poems & Illustrations

Mystical poetry.
One illustration.

MAGAZINE - The Chariton Review


Volume 22, Number 2, Fall 1996.
one poem.

ART MAGAZINE - The Chariton Review


Volume 22, Number2, spring 1996 .
Front & back over.

ART MAGAZINE - La traductière


Art visuel n°9 - juin 1991.
Front cover art.



Book computing - Catalog 1984 / 1985.
Editions Nathan.
Front cover art : " Instant limite " - 1979
Private collection - Rive de Gier, France

Photo credit

Despatin-Gobeli, Monique Haag, Bénédicte Charra

3D graphics : Léo Baca

Video : Espaces de la mémoire.
Alain Charra et Juan Baca Perez

Legal notices

© 2023 Alain Charra

All rights reserved



Last news

Exhibition at Voltaire galery in Grenoble in june 2021